Intuitive report-uploader portal. Connect with franchise, distributor, and license partners.

Gaining access to consistent Sales and Inventory performance metrics from boutique retailers, distributors, franchisees, and license partners has been a longstanding challenge. SKYBAZAAR solves this problem by providing brands with a collaborative portal where partners can effortlessly upload data in a standardized format. This platform offers a KPI dashboard directly within SKYBAZAAR based on the uploaded data, facilitating seamless data integration into the SKYPAD Enterprise platform for brands.

Experience the efficiency and security of SKYBAZAAR for seamless data collaboration with your partners.

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Intuitive report-uploader portal. Connect with franchise, distributor, and license partners.


Gaining access to consistent Sales and Inventory performance metrics from boutique retailers, distributors, franchisees, and license partners has been a longstanding challenge. SKYBAZAAR solves this problem by providing brands with a collaborative portal where partners can effortlessly upload data in a standardized format. This platform offers a KPI dashboard directly within SKYBAZAAR based on the uploaded data, facilitating seamless data integration into the SKYPAD Enterprise platform for brands.

Experience the efficiency and security of SKYBAZAAR for seamless data collaboration with your partners.

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